Services - Training and Seminars

Training and Seminars

We believe that continuing education is an integral part in any successful business and thus conducting training and seminars is a passion for our partners.

We can customize a training regime or seminar for our clients so that we can deliver quality content in the most effective and efficient manner. With a well-trained and educated workforce, clients can only benefit and it will certainly contribute to the client’s success.


  1. Dato’ Hifdzi is a Certified Master Trainer for NLP and has conducted many seminars and training for Business Development.

  2. Puan Salmiah was invited as a speaker for a seminar on Property Law for staff of the Inland Revenue Board

  3. Encik Kee Mohd Thariq was invited as a speaker for a series of seminars on Estate Management
Have question or need our assistance? Feel free to contact us.